03.15.20 Waves of White Herald Spring!
Thrilled to discover breaking waves of white along the main road leading to our home in the hollow! This huge colony of Bloodroot, Sanguinaria canadensis has proven remarkably durable being close to a busy paved road and subject to heavy logging equipment along its edges. Our forests are filled with these star-like sparkles of white where ever the sun has warmed a small open space. When the warmth of the sun hits this particular patch, these tulip-like blossoms will open into beautiful snow white daisy-like flowers. Every part of this plant is fascinating, starting with its single leaf which emerges rolled like a tiny green cigar straight out of the loam. Inside the wrapping is the long stem and bud of its gorgeous flower. Below ground its thick root is known for exuding a bright crimson juice, hence its name.
Curtis’s The Botanical Magazine of 1792-93 introduced
the world to the bloodroot with this detailed engraving by S.T. Edwards.