Relief Printmaking
Printmaking allows us to share an original work of art with many through the creation of multiples. Relief printmaking (printing from a wood or linoleum block) is the oldest of the many printmaking techniques. It is also the most accessible to beginners and yields rewarding results rapidly. Join book artist and printmaker Josef Beery to […]
Intaglio Printmaking
Printing images from the etched or engraved plate is no longer restricted to college art studios and professional artists. New research into nontoxic techniques using modern materials make this incredible art form accessible to all. Engraving plastic plates with just about any sharp object opens a whole world of image possibilities. The plates can then […]
The Printed Word Endures
An eight-week introductory course in the book arts with a certificate. It is offered through the Virginia Arts of the Book Center, a program of the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities. The Center provides a classroom, gallery, and public-access printmaking studio providing instruction in letterpress printing, typography, book making, paper making, and associated arts. The […]