Josef BeeryJosef Beery

University of Virginia Libraries

AnnRptCvr“It is a pleasure to update you on the Library. Herein you will find news about the innovative people, projects, acquisitions, and collaborations that are central to the Library’s support of teaching, research, and learning here at the University. These are exciting times for libraries, and I can think of no better place to be than here at UVa. I amJazz grateful for the public and private support that has made these accomplishments possible.”Brimstone

The University of Virginia Library system, like libraries at similar institutions found the new millennium brought more rapid change than they had ever experienced. UVa Libraries responded with improved funding for their special exhibitions, a state-0f-the-art special collections facility, renovated libraries, advanced digital initiatives, and improved services for users. To assist in funding, the library expanded its appeal for private support and added an annual report to its set of tools. I had been designing the posters and banners for the library’s special exhibitions, so this project seemed like a natural extension of the visual identity I had developed for the library system. The publication responded to the digital age with text written in short “sound bites” and colorful images which moved rapidly across the turning pages.







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